Publication Ethics

The publication of certain article in a peer-reviewed journal is as an essential part of the backbone of various, valuable and important knowledge.

The publication is as a mirror that reflects the quality and the distinguished works of all the participants authors.  Peer-reviewed articles should be supported by accurate scientific methods, and should meet the expected ethical behavior for all participants authors involved in action of publication.

the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer, the publisher and the society

  • Publisher responsibility
  1. Guarantee the editorial independence.

  2. Provide editors with technical, procedural support.

  3. Talking to researchers about publishing ethics.

  • Editors responsibility
  1. Taking Decisions about publication

  2. Honestly Peer review.

  • Reviewers responsibility
  1. Sharing the Editorial Decisions.

  2. Reliable

  3. Always remind authors about article quality, Standards of Objectivity and Ethical Issues.

  • Authors responsibility
  1. Follow publication data standard rules

  2. Confidentiality.

  3. Original and reliable Sources.

  4. Integrity of images