Guide for Authors

  1. The manuscript should be written in one of these languages: English-French-German and Chinese

  2. The manuscript should be not less than 5000 words or more than 10,000 words,

  3. The main title should be written in font 16-pt bold. subtitles should be written in font 14-pt bold .

  4. The abstract should be submitted in Arabic and English (about 150-200 words)

  5. key words around 3-5words

  6. Using Microsoft word starting from windows 2007

  7. Font type: times new roman – Chinese written in “simsun”

  8. Font Size: it should be written in 12-pt for the text.

  9. Line spacing:1.15cm

  10. Space before paragraph using “tab “not manually

  11. Margins: All margins (top, bottom, left, and right) should be in (2.5 Cm).

  12. Paper size:  Envelop B5 18.2 × 25.7 cm

  13. Header and footer:1.5 cm

  14. The references should be written in font 10 pt. arranged  alphabetical, sources should cited in your article.

  15. The submitted manuscript should follow the APA or MLA

  16. The front page should have the main title- the author name- contact mail and phone and the affiliation.

  17. The manuscript should meet the aims and scope of the journal.

  18. The manuscript should not be published before in any other journal.