浅谈阿汉借代翻译方法及其与文化因素的关系 以《古兰经》汉译本为例

Document Type : Original Article


كلية الأداب جامعة حلوان قسم اللغة الصينية


Language is a tool for communication, and it is also considered a cultural phenomenon. Rhetoric is the application of language including cultural content. The translator always faces some problems while translating forms of rhetoric from Arabic to Chinese. This research studies the forms of metonymy in the two languages and the methods that the translator uses to translate metonymy into the Chinese language and the relationship between the methods of  translating and  the cultural element. This research used the descriptive and applied methods, used verses from the text translated into Chinese of the "Holy Qur'an" as an example . This research explains  the points of similarity and difference between metonymy in Arabic and Chinese, also explains that  the translator uses methods of literal translation, meaning translation, and complementary translation while translating metonymy into Chinese. This research explains  that  the translator should be pay attention that  the translator’s choice of translation method depends on the extent of similarity and difference in the relationship between rhetoric and culture in both languages.
